10 ways to destress after a long work week
Stress after a long work week is very common and you feel exhausted more mentally rather than physically. These are few must do’s to destress and prepare for next week.
- Sleep well-avoid late-night parties, television, and heavy alcohol
- Maintain the same routine if you are in a habit of getting up at 7am, do not break this routine.
- A relax-every person has their own ways to relax reading, gardening, walking, outing, chatting and so on. Do what makes you feel relax and gives you pleasure and enjoyment.
- Breakfast, lunch and dinner should be the same as you have on your normal working day.
- Finish the work which was pending during the weekdays.
- Social commitments can be fulfilled on weekends.
- Share and spend some time with partner, children and parents.
- Meditation is very good for mental and physical relaxation.
- Plan your activities in advance for the coming weekend.
- Schedule worry time. This may sound silly – but if you are someone who spends the entire weekend worrying about work on Monday, giving yourself permission to worry for only an hour on Saturday morning allows you to enjoy the rest of your weekend, while still allowing yourself to feel worried.